Dever Castle was probably built shortly after 1375 by Reinier Dever or d´Ever, a member of a very old line of Dutch nobles. The residential tower has been restored and can be visited for free.
Dever Castle is a so-called residential tower or keep, a fortified dwelling, as many have stood in the coastal region; except for Dever, they have all disappeared. The rear of Dever is flat: it was facing the swamp of the Lisser Poel and did not have to be that strong, because there was no danger from that side.
The other walls are horseshoe-shaped, almost 2 meters thick and solid brickwork. The foundations are more than 3 meters below the surface of the ground and rest on a sandbar, leaving the walls showing no signs of subsidence after six centuries. Before 1580 a small house was placed against the round front, which was expanded after 1630 into a stately mansion, larger than Dever himself.
Due to poor foundation and neglect, part of it collapsed in 1848; afterwards the walls were gradually demolished by everyone who needed stones. In 1962 the roof of the residential tower also collapsed, but the heavy walls resisted all destruction. When the restoration began in 1973, all the woodwork had disappeared, window and door openings were broken and grass and elder bushes grew on top of the wall where the ducks nested. The base of the wall, just above the waterline of the former canal, was also badly damaged.
Cycle route
Dever Castle is located along various popular cycle routes. The location is also included in both the spring and summer version of the Flower Tour. More info about the Flower Tour:
- Summer – Flower Tour – August to October
- Spring – Flower Tour – late March to early May
Dever Castle entrance fee
You can visit Castle Dever for € 4,50 per person.
Dever Castle Opening times
Dever is open on the following days and times:
- Wednesday to Sunday from 2 pm to 5 pm
- 2nd Easter Day, 2nd Pentecost Day and 2nd Christmas Day
Dever Castle may occasionally be closed because a wedding or other activity is taking place that is only accessible to invited guests. It is advisable if you come specifically to visit ‘t Huys Dever in advance, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Dever Castle is closed on:
Monday and Tuesday
January 1, 1st Easter Day, 1st Pentecost Day and 1st Christmas Day
Address Castle Dever
- Heereweg 349A
- 2161 CA Lisse
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